Building upon a long career in government and the private sector, John Felker works with senior leaders to see and understand the big cybersecurity picture, the risk, and the business impact of cyber threats. He brings wide-ranging leadership, organizational and business experiences that can help you prepare for the worst, understand and address the issues, and ultimately, succeed. A sought-after cybersecurity and leadership expert, he is a frequent speaker at national and international cybersecurity conferences.
Felker is the former Assistant Director for Integrated Operations, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) where he brought focus to integrated operations across the Agency that extended to Regional CISA elements, intelligence, operational planning and mission execution with emphasis on risk mitigation and response efforts.
He previously served as the Director of the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center from 2015 to 2019. Prior to joining CISA, Felker worked as Director of Cyber and Intelligence Strategy for HP Enterprise Services and in a 30-year career, served as Deputy Commander, Coast Guard Cyber Command; Commander, Coast Guard Cryptologic Group, as Executive Assistant to the Director of Coast Guard Intelligence and commanded the cutters CAPE UPRIGHT and RED CEDAR.
Felker is President of Morse Alpha Associates, Inc., a cyber leadership consultancy, serves as a member of the Parsons Corporation Senior Advisory Board, a Senior Advisor to the Chertoff Group, as a Senior Advisor to the Maritime Transportation System ISAC, a Senior Advisor to S-RM, an international cyber intelligence, response and resilience company and a Senior Fellow at the McCrary Institute for Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Security at Auburn University. He is a member of National Technology Security Coalitions Advisory Council and is currently on the Board of Directors of the Operation Renewed Hope Foundation and the Boards of Advisors for the Military Cyber Professionals Association, and the Cyber Security Forum Initiative.
He is the recipient of the Department of Homeland Security Outstanding Public Service Medal and his military awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, and the Meritorious Service Medal.